Regulatory HS is a regulatory affairs consultancy for health supplies;

We specialize in procedures that are filed to the Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS) and other related regulatory bodies, as well as their applicable regulations.

Our team is formed by experts in the field that are always motivated by continuous improvement, sense of urgency and customer service.

Regulatory HS


At Regulatory HS, we are experts in providing our customers and commercial partners with indispensable, adaptable regulatory solutions with a strong sense of urgency, always in compliance with legislations and regulatory bodies in our country, fulfilling with detail every requirement and normative.

Our extensive experience managing procedures at COFEPRIS and other regulatory bodies supports us.

Regulatory HS


Today, one of our main differentiators is relentlessly finding solutions for keeping your business/service running, in compliance with the regulatory framework in our country.

We intend to be more than a supplier; we want to be your indispensable business partner for the proper operation and functioning of your business.

Regulatory HS


We are always ruled by honesty, transparency, trust, proactivity and immediacy in our work.

In Regulatory HS you will always find a clear and reliable answer, along with a proposal that aims for the safest and most effective solution.

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