Regulatory HS

Operations notices

What is an Operation and Health Responsible Notice?

Document stamped by COFEPRIS, in which you are giving full notice that you are starting a health-related business, and that you have a licensed Health Responsible, with a degree registered by the applicable education authorities.

In which situations do you need to have an Operation and Health Responsible Notice?

When you start any of the following health-related business , where no surgical or obstetric acts, or  commercialization of health supplies, except controlled drugs, pesticides, plant nutrients and / or toxic substances are performed.

  • Medical Devices Factory (Manufacturing)
  • Herbal Remedies Factory (Manufacturing)
  • Medical Devices Warehouse
  • Herbal Remedies Warehouse
  • Non-controlled Medicines Warehouse
  • Raw Material for Non-controlled Medicines Warehouse
  • Medicine Distributor
  • Allopathic Pharmacy
  • Homeopathic Pharmacy
  • Apothecary (No sales of controlled medicines)
  • Medical Devices retail trade
  • Herbal Remedies retail trade

If you have a health-related business and is not listed above

There is an authorization issued by COFEPRIS called Health License, which is granted if an establishment´s health conditions are met. Any changes in facilities or a change of address implies requesting a new Health License.

The following businesses require a Health License:

  1. Factory or raw material laboratory for the manufacture of medicines or biological products for human use
  2. Factory or laboratory of medicines or biological products for human use
  3. Laboratory for chemical, biological, pharmaceutical or toxicology control
  4. Warehouse for packaging of medicines or biological Products
  5. Warehouse for the deposit and distribution of controlled medicines or biological products, for human use
  6. Mixing centers for the preparation of parenteral, nutritional and medicinal mixtures.
  7. Pharmacy or apothecary with sales of controlled medications
  8. Drugstore or homeopathic pharmacy (with preparation of homeopathic medicines)
  9. Establishments using radiation sources for medical or diagnostic purposes
  10. Establishments that perform surgical and / or obstetric acts
  11. Health establishments with extraction, analysis, conservation, preparation and supply services of organs, tissues and cells
  12. Establishments with organ, tissue and cell transplantation services
  13. Organs, non-blood tissues and cells bank
  14. Establishments with blood services
  15. Establishments with stem cells arrangement
  16. Regenerative medicine establishments
  17. Establishments related to pesticides
  18. Establishments that produce, manufacture or import tobacco products

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